
awesome boned blouse holey moley

Ok so wtf is up with my sister finding gray hairs in my head while we're trying to drive to the flea market? Is that even appropriate? I know a lot of people get weirdy about their age but I'm not usually one of them until my hair starts shitting gray. I also look kind of young, so I've been lied to, but I can't deny that I kind of got all crybaby about it. Does hair turn gray or grow in gray? I wonder. I also oftentimes I wonder if the laptop he gave me records keystrokes. Certain keyword searches I do in certain sites would make him really fucking uncomfortable, and to be honest sometimes even make me a little uncomfortable so I hope you're prepared for those fucked up results you're gonna get, dude. I'm not sure why, but I'm kind of reminded of the time we were at the drive through at In&Out and some crazed hobo kept walking into the passenger side door of the car, screaming that we were blocking the crosswalk. Think zombies with less urgency about killing but the same amount of dirty face.

I'm 30 if you round down.


Dirty Dan Sin said...

my mom was staring at mines. she's all, 'are you going to do anything about those gray hairs?'

i'm all, 'you know i don't care about any gray stupid hairs...i'm just happy to still have hair!'

she's all, 'well, you won't be happy when your kids go gray.'

i'm all, 'god!'

she's all, 'fuck, dude.'

it was right after that that i saw you at in-n-out and kept bumping into your car.

Anonymous said...

I have recently grown three white hairs where my sexy bangs sweep lazily across my brow. People like to pull them when I'm not looking. (drunk) I don't appreciate it.

Yossarian said...

i love this place

xTx said...

i have no gray hairs and i'm older than allsyall. BOOYAKASHA!

Dirty Dan Sin said...

x, you fuckin liar.

xTx said...

i dont lie.

Anonymous said...

Just wait till your pubes turn. And don't try using "Just for Men" on them.

I'll know. And you'll be the laughing stock.