
we need to talk about the ipod...tenderoni

So's that RoHobo wants me to talk about my beard, hu? You fucking skank I swear to god when you come out I will leave you for dead in the streets of the Castro. SO WHAT if I have to wax my beard man, not everybody has perfectly smooth porcelain chink (no offense-me) skin like you do, Canadaface, so why don't you suck it? You know I love you more than hot corn so calm down. The story in question here is short, but about the time I went to get my shit waxed and when the little love-you-long-time lady was done she goes "ok honey, now you don't look like husband anymore!' Fuck that and I have a pretty good idea of how sexy you think I am right now. I swear this little blog circle could take our little carnie show on the road though, you aren't perfect. Speaking of hot tits, I'll be down in SoCal this weekend for one more short run and a lot of being totally hammered. You ever ask someone if they want to do something with you when you don't really want them to do it but you're 99% sure they'll say no and then the mutherfucker up and pulls a yes out of their ass? That's me. This weekend. Fuck. And it all relates to my little dramatical crisis but all you can do is be a crybaby and hate 17 year old girls.

I'm the hottest I've been in a while. Trust me.


Anonymous said...

the first time was better. more detailed. but good try.

xTx said...

so cal? dang i need good ditching the family schemes.... fuck

Dirty Dan Sin said...

hahahahahaha, i owe that beard waxer a fiver for that one.

xTx said...

i didnt see you on leno.

sidebar: have you caught that gameshow about ninjas yet? It's pretty coolio, like with the crazy braids and everything.

Anonymous said...

uh, psycho pants, you should probably get ahold of my ass cause need to be drinking together.
